First Published in the Tri Town Transcript Oct 12, 2017 By Esther C. Baird So it’s October. We’re back into the swing of things now. We make lunches and we drive. We figure out how to be in three places at once. It’s tricky, but we’ve got this. It no longer wakes us up at…
The Baird Facts
Shiver Me Pink Timbers
By Esther Baird First Published in the Tri Town Transcript Sep 29, 2017 This, dear Regular Readers, is a cautionary tale. It began when we ran into a group of friends this summer. One husband relayed how he had a nasty bout of poison ivy, everyone murmured sympathies. Except me. I took a not-subtle step…
The Unplanned Summer
First published in the Tri Town Transcript Sep 13, 201 By Esther C. Baird Well it’s been awhile Regular Reader, I hope your summers were full of sand, sun and drinks with little umbrellas in them. Our late June and early July were packed full of the standard Casa Baird road-trips, lake visits and s’mores….
Tossing the Time Machines
First published in the Tri Town Transcript Aug 4, 2017 By Esther C. Baird I interrupt this regular scheduled column, which would have been a variation on the theme, “Moose the Puppy Who Eats Everything,” to draw your attention to this breaking news from Casa Baird. For the first time since we moved to Boxford…
Moose Poop and that New Car Smell
First published in the Tri Town Transcript Jul 3, 2017 By Esther C. Baird Regular readers may recall that a few years ago we brought the Snow Crusher into our family. It was a black Mini Cooper Countryman that was designed to go fast and perform well in blizzards. It was a great car… when our…
Blue Ribbon Finish
First published in the Tri Town Transcript Jun 2, 2017 By Esther C. Baird We have reached the point in the year where I can’t stand talking about school. Why is there school in June? Who likes it? No one, that’s who. So I’m not sure why I thought it was a smart idea to…
Wholly Noncompliant
First Published in the Tri Town Transcript May 19, 2017 By Esther C. Baird Look, I’m happy to try the latest and greatest nutrition craze. I mean, if for no other reason than I want to burn all of my cookbooks and serve them, coal-like, for dinner. Enjoy that, because I’m fresh out of ideas and…
A Good Walk . . . Soiled
First published in the Tri Town Transcript Apr 19, 2017 By Esther C. Baird Regular readers will recall that we recently added Moose, a Bernese Mountain dog, to our family. As you read this he is around 14 weeks old and is, in a word, a handful.
Party Like a Ninja
First published in the Tri Town Transcript on Apr 13, 2017 By Esther C. Baird Regular readers may recall that our youngest daughter celebrated her 10th birthday at Christmas with a surprise ear piercing. But her actual birthday was this past month. Ten is an age at which we allow our girls to have a…
Clinging to the Cuteness Factor
First published in the Tri Town Transcript Mar 27, 2017 I found myself standing in the frozen, slush mud. I stared down at my boots. They were untied. Also my long down coat had a hole in it that hadn’t been there the day before, and now fluff was floating out of it in a…