by Esther C. Baird, first published in the Ipswich Local News, March 30, 2023 Well, it’s March. The season of sand. Road crews scatter it like tiny beaches around our inland towns to deal with that ever-tricky late-season snow. The sand — maybe more than the snow — threatens to break me. Perhaps in solidarity, our snow blower,…
Category: The Baird Facts
The Tricks of the Travel Team Mom
by Esther C. Baird, first published in the Ipswich Local News, January 25, 2023 I’m typing this from the White Whoosh which, as regular readers know, is the name of my minivan. I’ve long written about how it’s merely an extension of myself. Where does Esther end and the Whoosh begin? Some days, it’s hard to tell. …
Out, out, damn spot
by Esther C. Baird, first published in the Ipswich Local News, January 25, 2023 I’ve written a lot about teeth over the years. Regular readers will recall the girl’s first tooth losses … and then the second through one billionth losses when the Tooth Fairy didn’t quite live up to expectations, (the expectation being that…
Dreams of naps for the New Year
By Esther C. Baird. First published in the Ipswich Local News, January 5, 2023 Well, here we are again, staring down another New Year with all our hopes and dreams for world peace, no global pandemics, a calm election cycle, or — look, I’d settle for just a nap. I’d also settle for a car…
Twinkle twinkle little candle
By Esther C. Baird, First published in the Ipswich Local New 12/2/2022 Regular readers know we are early Christmas decorators. Out with the blah browns and dead leaves and in with the festive colors and sparkling lights. Speaking of light, my entire yuletide purpose, if distilled down to its essence, is to illuminate my tiny part of…
Coloring with reason
By Esther C. Baird, first published in the Ipswich Local News on Nov 3, 2022 Regular readers may recall that in the early pandemic days, I created an “art block” for our daily home-bound schedule. We expressed our hopes and dreams and growing claustrophobia through landscapes and still lifes and an unfortunate incident painting (“Bunnies…
Jumpstarting fall
By Esther C. Baird, first published in the Ipswich Local News September 28, 2022 Hey, regular readers! I’m back with a new column home. Last spring, after our eldest daughter graduated from high school, our older dog, Blue Ears, passed away, and I resigned from my Church Land job of over a decade. I needed…
Prom, Pizza, Pool Palooza
By Esther C. Baird (for May 2022) It was 11 pm a time when, like all exciting moms, I am normally long asleep. But instead, I was staring down my driveway at 64 teenagers. Let me repeat that, I said sixty-four teenagers. They were all in formal prom attire, walking towards me like a…
Dressing Up Spring
April 9, 2022 By Esther C. Baird (currently in between publication in Boston based newspapers) Spring clean-ups are happening in the neighborhood which means it’s Delusional Spring in our world. I try to be optimistic this time of year, but winter was long and cold and a bit of a drag. This fake, spring-like mode,…
The Wonder of it All
Hey Regular Reader, Happy New Year! What’s that? It’s not off to a great start? Really? I hadn’t noticed. Well, maybe I had an inkling when every person I knew got Covid between Christmas and New Years. It was a buzzkill of a New Years Eve. Forget the champagne, America was hopped up on NyQuil…