By Esther C. Baird/Tri-Town Transcript columnist First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript July 27, 2014 Regular Readers may recall that last summer we sent our older daughter to an overnight camp for a week and that I handled it with grace and ease by stalking her on the live webcams. It was a great experience…
Category: The Baird Facts
School’s out, game on!
By Esther C. Baird/Tri-Town Transcript columnist First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript June 27, 2014 I’m typing this wearing a light jacket, but whatever, it’s summer. We kicked it off by walking out of school, on the last day with Red Sox tickets for that night. Our school had a half day, which meant our…
My Love is Like a Summer Vacation
By Esther C. Baird/Tri-Town Transcript columnist First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript June 13, 2014 Dear school year, it’s time to end. I’m over the folders and tests and memory work. If I have to call out one more spelling list, I will lie down in the flooded trails around Crooked Pond and allow myself…
A Peace of Spring
By Esther C. Baird/Tri-Town Transcript columnist First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript May 30, 2014 Well, it’s spring in the Tri-Towns. I thought for a while that our spring had broken, but there are blossoms on the trees, flip-flops on feet, and ticks on Blue Ears. Whew! We made it. With all this springtime sparkle,…
The Best Laid Plan
By Esther C. Baird/Tri-Town Transcript columnist First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript May 14, 2014 This past April break was mostly a stay-cation for Casa Baird. We attended birthday parties and play dates, and we visited North Conway for a few days mid-week. But, because I am nothing if not a mother who knows how…
A Piercing Moment in Time
By Esther C. Baird/Tri-Town Transcript columnist First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript April 23, 2014 BOXFORD There are many milestones that we celebrate in our culture. At age 16 you can drive, 18 you can vote, 21 you can drink, 25 you can rent a car (an underrated milestone in my road-tripping opinion), at 40…
The Family Calendar
By Esther C. Baird/Tri-Town Transcript columnist First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript April 14, 2014 I don’t mean to alarm you, but our family is going to not exist for a few days here in early April. We’ll still be in Boxford. The girls will still go to school (except when one or the other…
A Tuesday to Remember
By Esther C. Baird/Tri-Town Transcript columnist First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript March 26, 2014 The astute Regular Reader who managed not to scratch their skin off after my last column, will have picked up on the fact that, since we last met, I have turned 40. My birthday fell last Tuesday, and we all…
A Pox Upon Your House
Originally Published in the Tri-Town Transcript It started with a stiff neck – I couldn’t turn my head, and it’s hard to be Mommy when you can only move like Batman. I did the standard things: Advil, a massage, and physical therapy before I finally gave up and went to my doctor admitting, “I need drugs.”
Sew Much Fun
TBy Esther C. Baird/Tri-Town Transcript columnist First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript February 12, 2014 When our eldest daughter was a toddler, we transferred to Australia for six months. Regular Readers may recall that is where, The Baird Facts, began. What they may not know is that while there, I took my daughter to a…