First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript January 21, 2015 I stared shivering at the giant sports field. It was a vast expanse of dead winter grass and snow-crusted clumps. “Ok,” I took a deep breath. “So, when the fire drill started, you marched outside and stood in lines. Where was the fifth grade?” My older…
Category: The Baird Facts
In Search Of The Sick Mom
First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript January 7, 2015 Happy New Years, Regular Readers. I hope your resolutions are full of possibility, hope and the sure promise that summer is now only five (or six, maybe seven if we’re honest) months away. My own goal this year is a lofty and noble one. I’d like…
Crazy Christmas Journeys
First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript December 10, 2014 Well, Regular Readers, tis’ the season. I’m going to take this opportunity to make a holiday argument: the people who settled our country, approximately 400 years ago during this particular time of year were crazy. Theirs was an action followed closely by the modern day insanity…
On The Road To Who We Are
First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript November 26, 2014 Regular Readers may have picked up on the fact that my parents live in Miami. I strongly recommend having family some place warm when you reside in the Tri-Towns. If you don’t, perhaps you can borrow mine. They are friendly, flexible and understanding to those in…
Let There Be Light
First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript November 7, 2014 I’m not a fan of home systems. Living here in the Tri-Towns where so many of us are on septic and wells makes me antsy. I don’t like being in charge of whether or not my toilet flushes or my water runs. My husband, on the…
A Simple Paint Job
First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript October 23, 2014 It began with some chipped paint in the summer. So, I called a guy. A painting guy. As we walked around the chipped deck, we realized that a few boards were, let’s say, moisture compromised. What if we replaced them with something that wouldn’t take it personally…
Can I Get a Sample of Fall
First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript October 3, 2014 It’s officially Fall. I dragged my heels (just a bit) but it happened anyway. So I will embrace the hearty mums and pumpkins and clothing in shades of falling leaves. The good news is that it’s about to get stunning around here. There is no place…
The Color of a Crusher
First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript Sep. 17, 2014 It’s time to face reality. The Giant Sparkle, which Regular Readers know is our giant silver mini-van, (may it shine and twinkle forever) is a Giant Failure in the snow. And, as they say here south of the wall, winter’s coming. I’m not sure if the…
No Time for Back to School
First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript Sep. 3, 2014 Parents of the Tri-Towns, this time of year weighs me down. It burdens me with high expectations for either maternal inventive fabulousness, or witty ironic rebuttals of the same. It’s ‘back to school’ season and the national obsession leaves no argyle, printed snack pack, no double…
Zipping Into My Fears
First Published in the Tri-Town Transcript August 15, 2014 Over the years, Regular Readers may have picked up on the fact that occasionally I freak out in height-related situations. One of my very earliest columns detailed my trip up the Sydney Harbor Bridge (spoiler alert: I survived). On the ground, in my head, I know I’m…