First published in the Chronicle & Transcript, September 9, 2020 By Esther C. Baird Well it’s back to school season. Whatever that means. I have friends who are homeschooling, friends who are sending their kids to schools that are fully remote and friends who are using a hybrid model. I have friends who are teachers…
Author: Esther Baird
My baby she can drive my car
By Esther Baird First published in the Chronicle & Transcript Aug 25, 2020 Hey there Regular Readers, it’s been a while. We’ve been living out of state at our family camp in the Adirondacks the last three months and basically staying off the grid. I’m emerging now both because the real world beckons with school…
Free Four Week Bible Study on the Book of Titus
Bible Study on the Book of Titus Here is a free copy of the Bible study on Titus that I wrote/led during May of 2020 virtually (during the quarantine). Please feel free to use and share this study for your own groups. Text of Book of Titus Titus Study, Week 1- Overview ecb Titus chapter…
Artful Insights
First published in the Chronicle and the Transcript May 2020 (Note; due to technical difficulties this is the unedited version, the edited version appeared in print only for this piece.) Regular Readers may have noticed from past columns that we have an ‘art block’ on most days during quarantine. And while we are not hosting…
A break during quarantine
By Esther C. baird First published in the Tri-Town Transcript Just typing away over here in week six of quarantine … which some of you may know better as April vacation week. Some of my friends are excited about it because either they work for a school or their kids have not clicked with remote…
Finding Kindness in Quarantine
First published in print on Friday, April 17 in the Chronicle & Transcript. This version below is the unedited version due to technical difficulties getting the paper version posted to the newspaper website. ***** I’m typing this near the end of week four, staring at, I guess, at least three more weeks, though almost certainly…
Llamas in the time of corona
Well … quite obviously, regular reader, I am at home. Actually, as I type this, it’s my birthday. We ordered takeout pizza from California Pizza Kitchen which offered gloved, curb-side pick-up … until it didn’t. We were among the last customers, on the last night it was open. Do we know how to celebrate or…
For Such a Time As This: Living in quarantine, but not in exile
First published on the Christian Camps and Conferences website as a blog from a ‘camper mom’. March 20, 2020 We’re studying the books of Ruth and Esther in our women’s Bible studies at church (and now virtually). It’s been encouraging to step back and see the common themes running through both books. Namely, God is in control and…
Doing Things by the Book
By Esther C. Baird First published in the TriTown Transcript March 13, 2020 Well Regular Readers, it’s been a while. I took a hiatus from my column because I needed to focus on getting my second book finalized, which I did. It’s done and will be available on Amazon by Easter. But, unlike my first…
Boldly Entering the New Year
First published in the TriTown Transcript Well it was a doozy of a year end. The flu ripped through our community and nearly half of the students in the middle and high schools where our two girls attend, got sick. They cancelled practices, lessons, games, a semi-formal dance and a Christmas concert. It was as…